Today an urgent call to prayer needs to be
heard by the church!

Ephesians 6:12 (Amplified)
For we are not wrestling with flesh and blood (contending only with physical opponents),
but against the *despotisms, against the powers, against (the master spirits who are) the world
rulers of this present darkness against the spirit forces of wickedness in the heavenly (Supernatural) sphere.

*despotisms: a form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power. (wikipedia)

Mark 9:29 (NKJV)
So he said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting”
“This kind” meaning the demonic. Fasting with prayer is the MOST powerful type
of prayer. It’s what says, “We mean business and we need your help God!”


Points to Pray

2 Chronicals 20: 1-30

(Think Trucker Convoy – Lets pray Gods Spirit will fall on our truckers as they head to DC and they will praise the Lord in song and by blowing their horns. When they get there the Lord will turn the enemy armies against one another and that battle will already be won!)

Story of Jehoshaphat:

While Ahab and Jezebel were ruling the kingdom of Israel, King Jehoshaphat (4th king of Judah) was trying to be a good king over the country of Judah. He tried to teach his people how to follow God. When a huge army was about to attack Judah, everyone was very afraid. King Jehoshaphat called all of the people together to fast and pray. The Lord spoke through a prophet and told the people not to worry because this battle belonged to the Lord. Jehoshaphat sent the army into battle but he put a group of men in front to praise the Lord in song. While the army of Judah was approaching the battlefield praising the Lord, the Lord set the enemy armies against each other. By the time Judah’s army arrived at the battle, it was already over. The enemy armies had killed each other!

Read full story here:

• Pray for the truth to shine forth in all areas of our government and nation.

• Pray for protection and guidance for our nation

• Pray for peace and unity of our nation

• Pray that tyranny and any lies to fail, including lies in the mass media

• Pray for those fighting for freedom, our truckers, for their protection, strength and

• Pray for wisdom of our leaders and that the Lords will be done

• Pray for the military, law enforcement, emergency services and those that have
been released from their positions that God would restore all that was lost or stolen

• Pray for healing of the nation from loss and grief

• Pray for the restoration of freedom, the restoration of justice, the restoration of
Constitutional law, the restoration of TRUTH!!

• Pray for the Holy Spirit to move across this nation and across this world to set the
people free from all kinds of stresses, diseases, and addictions. To set the captives
free, and that they may come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ

• Pray that the prison of human trafficking would fall, our children would be set
free, that truth will come out and justice served

• Pray over the borders that God’s will be done, and those that have come over may
come to the saving knowledge of Jesus

• Pray that what the enemy means for harm in this nation God will turn into good

• Romans 8:28 (NKJV) And we know that all things work together for good to
those who love God , to those who are the called according to his purpose.

• Pray that His will be done on earth as it is in heaven

• Pray whatever he may lead you to pray, this is only a guide

• Thank and worship him for all that he is going to do! Amen and Amen!


Why Pray and Fast?

Below is some information to act as a guide:

We show our repentance and proclaim our need for God!

Joel 2:12 (NASB)
“Even now” declares the Lord, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting, and
weeping and mourning.

Joel 1:14 (NIV)
Declare a holy fast; call a sacred assembly. Summon the elders and all who live in
the land to the house of the Lord your God, and cry out to the Lord.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV)
If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from Heaven and
will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
When we are in need of victory or guidance!

2 Chronicles 20:3
Jehoshaphat was terrified by this news and begged the Lord for guidance. He also
ordered everyone in Judah to begin fasting. (NLT) King Jehoshaphat called a fast
to the nation as he heard of an encroaching enemy, and they obtained victory
WITHOUT having to lift up against them. Only did they pray, fast, and then finally
worshipped the Lord. The Lord made it clear that “the battle is the Lords”
(verse 15)


A Prayer for Preparation and Reflection:

Heavenly Father,

I come before you during this time of fasting to ask you to search my heart. During
my times of hunger, fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I surrender to you Lord Jesus.
Help me to know Your will. Speak to my heart Lord and show me Your truth and
your ways. Let me do Your will in all things whether insignificant in my eyes or
what seems like a hurdle that I can’t manage alone. With You, we know all things
are possible. You move mountains and You can move this nation and this world
back to a place of righteousness and truth. Sometimes I don’t know how to pray
Lord, but I acknowledge that I have sinned (recall your sins). Forgive me Lord. I
ask You to lead, guide, and point me in the right direction for what You want me to
do in this world that will bring honor to You.

This world seems so upside down but I know that You are in charge. Lord God,
You are mighty and worthy of all praise and I sit here silently with You now
seeking Your Word and Truth in all things. Speak to me Lord (pause and listen with
your heart and reflect on any messages, or a word that you may receive from the
Holy Spirit).

I praise you Lord! Blessed be God forever! Amen.


The Type of Fast

There are many fasts but looking at scripture it is very apparent that God calls for a
fast of food. Hunger can be a good thing, it will trigger each of us to take a
moment to be silent, call upon the Holy Spirit, humble ourselves and offer our fast
to the Lord-for his will to be done in all things. IF YOU HAVE A MEDICAL
CONDITION that you cannot fast food, then please seek to fast something that is a
sacrifice for you.

You may do the fast for as long as the day, the weekend, or longer. Follow what
you feel that you can stay with and what the Lord may lead you to fast. This is
about the nation, and with many united in prayer and fasting we believe will push
the move of God that we are needing. During the fast if you feel weak drink orange
juice, vegetable juice or gatorade. MAKE SURE to drink plenty of water. If you
need to take medication, and need to eat something light then do so.

When you are coming off of the fast, Start SLOW, no chili with beans!! Start with
soups, jellos, crackers, rice etc. foods that are easy on the stomach.

Please use common sense to keep yourself hydrated. Ask the Lord to help
strengthen and guide you, and he will. As stated earlier, we are in a battle. We need
to fight for freedom, truth and justice, with protests, with parents in front of school
boards, with serving in our government offices, with courts and law, with
billboards, and advertising, and also with beautiful truck convoys!

Our biggest victories will come when we PRAY!! Although we have been praying
at different times, we believe it is the time to set forth a day (or more) of prayer
and fasting before the Living God to fight for us, to bring us the victory and cause
the tipping point that we seek as a nation. United we stand, divided we fall. Not
only here but all over the world. It is time for us, the body of Christ to fight the
way WE fight, NOT to fight like hell, but to fight like HEAVEN! Father, let your
will be done on earth as it is in heaven!


Wanda Alger has prepared many Prayer Guides through the years to empower more effective intercession that bears fruit long-term, both in our homes as well as in our communities and nation. These are free to download and she encourages you to share them with other intercessors and prayer warriors! Visit her page here!

God breathes on something it will trigger major chain reactions. One small idea to reach out to those around us can have a drastic impact, and with the help of others like yourselves, we can stir the pot with a larger spoon.
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